Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oracle 11i

learn howto monitor and audit an E-Business Suite system. The SystemAdministrator Fundamentals course is a part of the Learning Path forImplementation Consultants and provides the foundation needed toeffectively control security and ensure smooth operations for anE-Business Suite installation. Demonstrations and hands-on practicereinforce the fundamental concepts.
* Effectively control security
* Monitor and audit applications
* Understand User Management set up
* Utilize profile options to enhance security

Course Objectives:
* Understand and implement function security
* Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite using Oracle Applications Manager
* Understand Oracle Workflow concepts, components, and implementation
* Personalize an Oracle E-Business Suite Form using Form Personalization
* Personalize an Oracle Applications Framework page
* Define and administer concurrent managers
* Manage concurrent programs
* Understand and implement Oracle User Management
* Manage printers and printing
* Understand auditing functionality
* Understand selected DBA duties with the Oracle E-Business Suite
* Manage profile options
* Describe data security
* Administer folders
* Incorporate custom help files
* Manage document sequences

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Oracle 11i Purchasing Fundamentals Ed 1 D17434GC10
What you will learn:
In this course, participants learn how to set up and use OraclePurchasing to manage the purchasing process. There are hands-onexercises, through which the participants learn how to managesuppliers, create and maintain request for quotations and quotationsand manage the approved supplier list. Participants will also learn howto create requisitions and purchase orders and apply document security,routing and approval methods. Finally, students will learn how to enterand manage receipts.

* Create purchase requisitions
* Create standard, blanket and contract purchase documents
* Understand how to use the auto create window, Create Releases programand the PO
* Create Documents Work flow process to automate document creation
* Create Standard, Express, Cascade receipts, Substitute receipts,Returns and Corrections
* Set up Pay on Receipt
* Define document approval and routing process
* Define document security and access levels
* Understand the Period Close process for Purchasing
* Understand Purchasing administration
* Describe how the Purchasing process fits into the Procure to Pay lifecycle
* Define item categories
* Define Items
* Define and maintain suppliers
* Create request for quotations
* Set up and use an approved supplier list and sourcing rules

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Oracle 11i Project Management Fundamentals Ed3 D17129GC30
What you will learn:
In this course, students will learn about the implementation of 11iOracle Project Management. The course encompasses key setupconsiderations, from implementing issue and change management todefining budgets and forecasts, managing progress, and explains some ofthe impacts of implementation decisions. Students will learn throughthe use of tutorials, supplemented with guided demonstrations and handson practices.
Oracle Project Management provides project managers the visibility andcontrol they need to deliver their projects successfully, improveprofitability, and operate more efficiently. Project managers can lookto a single source of enterprise project information to manage theproject through its life cycle-from planning, through execution, tocompletion. Oracle Project Management is part of the Oracle EnterpriseProject Management solution. Oracle Enterprise Project Managementprovides a set of applications that help companies deliver globalprojects by integrating and managing project information. It enablesall persons at all levels of the enterprise to participate andcollaborate on the projects at appropriate levels in a centralizedenvironment.

Course Objectives:
* Set up 11i Oracle Project Management
* Identify the features of Oracle Project Management
* Describe the relationship between Oracle Project Management andOracle Project Collaboration
* Understand the impacts of key implementation decisions

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Oracle 11i Advanced Pricing Fundamentals D17037GC20
What you will learn:
Oracle Advanced Pricing supports e-business applications by providing aflexible pricing engine that executes pricing and promotionalcalculations for Oracle Order Management and other Oracle Applications.Advanced Pricing provides the flexibility to meet the needs of complexpricing situations for a range of industry business requirementsincluding: consumer goods, telecommunications, services, hightechnology, automotive, and aerospace/defense businesses that sell toother businesses; and, telemarketing, mail order catalog, and web storebusinesses that sell directly to consumers.
In this course, students learn about the following Advanced Pricingfeatures and concepts: generic setup steps, pricing security,qualifiers, modifiers, price lists, formulas, modifiers, attributemanagement, and troubleshooting.
* Set up and use price lists with pricing lines to define item and/oritem category prices.
* Learn how to use modifiers to set up price adjustments (for example,discounts and surcharges), benefits (for example, free goods, coupons)and freight and special charges.

Course Objectives:
* Explain Advanced Pricing
* Describe Generic Implementation Setup
* Describe Setup of Pricing Security
* Explain Qualifiers and Qualifier Groups
* Describe Price Lists
* Define Formulas
* Explain Modifiers
* Describe Attribute Management Integration
* Explain Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

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Oracle 11i Oracle Payables Fundamentals Ed. 3.2 D16810GC32
What you will learn:
In this course, participants learn how to set up and use OraclePayables to manage the accounts payable process. Participants learn howto manage suppliers, process invoices as well as payments and generatekey reports. Participants also learn how to approve invoices forpayment, process stop and void payments, setup bank accounts andprocess payment batches. Finally, the students learn how to closeaccounts payable periods and transfer accounting details to the generalledger.
Participants will learn how the Payables application fits into Oracle’se-Business Suite of applications. This is accomplished through a seriesof tutorials, supplemented with hands-on exercises.
* Describe how the payables process fits into the Oracle eBusinesssuite of applications
* Import/Enter invoices and invoice distributions
* Identify Payables integration points
* Apply prepayments and advances
* Define suppliers and supplier sites
* Identify key reports

Course Objectives:
* Identify the key areas in the Payables process
* Understand how Oracle products use supplier information
* Import invoices or invoice information to create invoices in Payables
* Enter invoices using Quick Invoices
* Use the Payment Workbench
* Set up bank accounts
* Enter expense report templates
* Apply advances
* Describe the period closing process in Payables and Purchasing
* Reconcile accounts payable transactions for the period
* Set up supplier tax information
* Identify tax types, tax codes, and tax groups
* Identify the withholding tax process
* Process automatic withholding tax invoices
* Understand the Payables process flow within the Oracle eBusinesssuite of applications

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Oracle 11i Inventory Management Fundamentals Ed 2 D16356GC20
What you will learn:
This class focuses on the features, functions and benefits of theOracle Inventory application. Students will learn how to set up items,how to use the various inventory controls available, how to dotransactions, transfers, and inventory moves, inventory replenishment,cycle counting and physical inventory. Students will also learn whereInventory fits in the overall enterprise structure.
This course reflects the logical flow of the processes involved ininventory management. For example, this course covers defining items,receiving items, issuing items, and replenishing items in the sameorder. The exercises in this course provide hands-on experience onusing Oracle Inventory to perform many of the processing and inquirytransactions such as receiving, moving, replenishing inventory items,and generating count tags for physical inventories. The hands-onexercises also help you understand how to use mobile devices to performtransactions such as cycle counting and inventory replenishment.
* Set up organizations that correspond to your business units in OracleApplications.
* Perform inventory replenishment.
* Define inventory items for Oracle Supply Chain Applications.
* Perform ABC classification and cycle count.
* Perform inventory transactions.
* Use mobile devices to perform inventory transactions.

* Define and maintain a cycle count
* Understand performing inventory transactions using a mobile device
* Understand the planning and replenishment methods available in OracleInventory including min-max planning, reorder-point planning,replenishment counting, and Kanban replenishment
* Understand the overall inventory process in Oracle Inventory
* Understand the structure of an inventory organization in OracleInventory
* Understand the role of an item-master organization
* Define items in Oracle Inventory
* Learn to implement locator, revision, serial, and lot control foritems, and perform transactions for such items
* Understand the concept of move orders
* Perform inventory transactions such as subinventory transfer andinter organization transfer
* Set up shipping networks between inventory organizations andunderstand the significance of direct shipment and intransit shipment
* Create an ABC ranking of items to be used in cycle counting andpotentially in determining safety stock levels

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Oracle 11i System Administrator Fundamentals Ed 3 D14411GC30
What you will learn:
In this course students learn concepts and functions that are criticalto the System Administrator role. Students learn information useful forimplementing and managing the 11i E-Business Suite. Tasks coveredinclude setting up security and user management, concurrent processing,profiles, and workflows; students also learn how to personalize OracleE-Business Suite Forms and HTML pages. In addition, students learn howto monitor and audit an E-Business Suite system. The SystemAdministrator Fundamentals course is a part of the Learning Path forImplementation Consultants and provides the foundation needed toeffectively control security and ensure smooth operations for anE-Business Suite installation. Demonstrations and hands-on practicereinforce the fundamental concepts.
* Effectively control security
* Monitor and audit applications
* Understand User Management set up
* Utilize profile options to enhance security

Course Objectives:
* Understand and implement function security
* Manage the Oracle E-Business Suite using Oracle Applications Manager
* Understand Oracle Workflow concepts, components, and implementation
* Personalize an Oracle E-Business Suite Form using Form Personalization
* Personalize an Oracle Applications Framework page
* Define and administer concurrent managers
* Manage concurrent programs
* Understand and implement Oracle User Management
* Manage printers and printing
* Understand auditing functionality
* Understand selected DBA duties with the Oracle E-Business Suite
* Manage profile options
* Describe data security
* Administer folders
* Incorporate custom help files
* Manage document sequences

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